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How To Buy Upc NEW!

Barcodes issued by GS1 US uniquely identify a single retail product online and in retail stores around the world. If you have only a few products that need barcodes, this might be the most cost-effective option for your company. GS1 US GTINs are a great option for small companies that are looking to quickly list their products for sale. Barcodes from GS1 identify your company as the brand owner of that product, which is a valuable piece of information that retailers look for!

how to buy upc

*License a GS1 US GTIN for $30 and get a free lifetime subscription to GS1 US Data Hub, an online tool you can use to create your own barcode and manage your product data. There is no annual renewal fee for a GS1 US GTIN.

A GS1 Company Prefix allows businesses to get multiple barcodes at a single time, as well as identify locations, mixed cases, create coupons, and create higher levels of packaging like a case or pallet.

As a part of your membership you will gain access to GS1 US Data Hub Product, the tool you use to create your own barcodes and manage your product data. As long as you renew your Membership every year, your product data will remain linked to your company information and you will maintain access to GS1 US Data Hub where you can control your product data.

GS1 US and design is a registered trademark of GS1 US, Inc. Trademarks appearing on this site are owned by GS1 US, Inc. unless otherwise noted, and may not be used without the permission of GS1 US, Inc.

Another reputable place to source UPCs is SnapUPC. They promise authentic GS1 codes and will beat any price, with immediate receipt of the UPCs once the payment goes through. The price for one UPC is $5, but when you buy in bulk SnapUPC offers discounts.

UPC stands for Universal Product Code and is the barcode used to identify a particular retail product. When you look at nearly any product you purchase from a store, it will have a scannable barcode on the packaging. The unique 12-digit number underneath the barcode is the UPC.

You need a UPC for your Amazon product because Amazon requires all new product detail pages to have a unique product identifier when they are created, such as a UPC, EAN, GTIN, and so on. All these are examples of a product identifier.

Amazon wants to ensure that the brand name used to create the new listing matches the brand name linked to the UPC in the GS1 database. GS1 is the global standard for product barcodes and is the company Amazon verifies your UPC with.

When purchasing a UPC for your private label product, always buy them through GS1. GS1 is a non-profit global organization that maintains and manages authentic product barcodes for over two million companies in 115 countries. Amazon requires all UPCs to be obtained from GS1 to ensure accuracy and legitimacy.

In the past, Amazon sellers would purchase cheap UPCs from third-party websites, and even on eBay. The problem with doing this is that a seller is technically purchasing a UPC connected to a different brand/product.

Previously, sellers had no other options but to purchase a minimum of 10 barcodes with an initial fee of $250 and an annual fee of $50. For most new Amazon sellers, that is nine too many. Plus, that was another high, upfront cost.

Hello, I am new on Amazon seller central. I have purchased my UPC code but i am having difficulty trying to add my first product on my account. Am wondering if something needs to be done to the code before using it or what am I not doing right please? Thank you.

You can also have your supplier print the labels for you. Also, Amazon will likely require your products to be labeled with the FNSKU barcode (Amazon barcode) and not the UPC code. The UPC is just used to create your listing in Seller Central.

Amazon needs the FNSKU barcode on your product because they need to know whos account those products belong to. You can also choose to have Amazon label the products for you, for a $0.50 per unit fee.

Do we need to have our brand registered and get our UPC code under our brand name or can we buy UPC code under the name of the brand of the product( in case we are making our own bundle of 2 or more different products having their own individual UPC codes on each of them with their own brand)?

hii have applied for trademark and I am doing private label, but i am not registered with amazon brand registry yet, so when i will upload my upc of GS1 to amazon while creating listing. Do you think amazon will allow me because my brand is not registered with them yetThanks your help Brian

Yes, you can still list your product on Amazon without Brand Registry. As long as you have the UPC, you will be ok. You do not need to be enrolled in Brand Registry to list a product and sell on Amazon

Disclaimer: This article was written after an honest and detailed investigation of our team on this topic. We do not have any affiliations with the companies mentioned in this post. We are also not responsible for the accuracy of any claims here. Any purchase of UPC codes is done at your own risk. Provided below is data only for informational purposes, and should not be considered as 100% accurate.

GS1 US updated pricing for UPCs and now offers more than just the Company Prefix option. You can now get a single GTIN (also referred to as a UPC) for just $30 with no renewal fee. See the press release for full details.

After contacting support of several marketplaces, talking to multiple merchants, and GS1 support ( and 937.435.3870), we concluded that any place selling UPC other than GS1 is just a reseller of numbers, and it will not list your name as the manufacturer. Many places online sell cheap UPC codes, but this can be hit or miss, and you most likely will end up buying invalid codes or codes used by other merchants. There are many complaints about that online and on the BBB website.

Option 1: If you want the UPC numbers to be listed in your name, then you are required to purchase from GS1. Go to and apply for a GS1 Company Prefix. Pricing can be found here (to buy codes and pay an annual fee)

You will want to double-check with stores that will be selling your product(s) and ask whether they want you to have your own company prefix. That will also determine where you should go. It looks like Amazon and other online retailers require you to go with the expensive version (option 1).

If you are on a tight budget, try services like and get a small quantity of UPC codes. See if they validate with the marketplaces you need it for. In the worse case scenario, you will just purchase 1000 useless random numbers for $170. It seems worth the risk, but it should be considered a short-term strategy. As your business grows, you will most likely need to use GS1 in one point anyway.

Hi Holly, You should use SKUs for internal inventory tracking. UPCs are used to identify products globally on marketplaces. Did you try to search for those 2% products online if those products already exist with some UPC in any databases?

Hi Douglas, It is hard to provide suggestions without knowing more details. But if you are a producer, you may want to get your own GS1 Company Prefix, pricing starts at $250 for 10 items. -barcodes-prefixes/get-a-barcode. Please remember, UPC/GTIN are global identification numbers. Once you buy them and assign them to a product, and publish them on marketplaces, those will be the official UPCs for your items, and any reseller of your products will use them to identify those products on marketplaces.

Most marketplaces (such as Walmart and Amazon) require to have a separate barcode for each scent (this is because you will list those scents as separate SKUs with separate barcodes and group them together). This is really the recommended way. Potentially, you could sell your product as a customizable item with an option of scents to be selected. However, not many marketplaces offer it and it is usually a pretty complicated process to list such products.

Hi Christian, Most marketplaces (such as Walmart and Amazon) require to have a barcode for products. If you sell items that already exist on Walmart, this is very simple, you just use the Setup by Match option when creating a listing. If you sell your own new products, you need to buy barcodes codes from GS1.

Hi Mike, Great question. You do not need to renew them, once you assign a UPC/EAN (GTIN) to a specific product, it will stay with that product for life. However, renewal is recommended for larger companies that keep adding new products, the annual renewal fee is mandatory to retain the Prefix. If you do not renew, somebody else can get GTIN with your prefix in the future. See this post for more information on when would you want to renew it.

GS1 US is the organization that provides UPC codes to US-based businesses, but there are more than 100 GS1 organizations around the world. GS1 issues unique prefixes to brand owners so that they can create their own unique barcodes with the prefix number given to them by GS1.

The UPC code was the original format for product barcodes. There are two main types of UPC codes: UPC-E and UPC-A. UPC-A is essentially identical to UPC-E; however, UPC-E does not include 0s. That means you will not actually see the 0s within the barcode, only within the corresponding GTIN.

When supply and demand in Europe, Asia, and Australia increased, there was a need to distinguish each seller by location. GS1 then began allocating specific prefixes for different GS1 member organizations.

While certain prefixes identify the GS1 branch where the prefix was licensed, it does not necessarily specify where that product was made. For example, there is a misconception that all barcode prefixes on American-made products will start with a zero or one.

EAN or European Article Numbers (also called International Article Numbers or IANs) are GS1-issued barcodes that include company prefixes at the beginning of the numeric GTIN. Two primary forms of EANs are popular among Amazon sellers: EAN-13 and EAN-8, which encode a GTIN-13 and GTIN-8, respectively. 041b061a72


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