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Téléchargez le PDF de En route pour Symfony 5: The Fast Track

En route pour Symfony 5: How to Download and Learn from the Best Symfony Book

If you are a PHP developer who wants to create modern web applications with the best practices, tools, and techniques, you should definitely learn Symfony 5. And if you are looking for a comprehensive, practical, and engaging guide to learn Symfony 5, you should definitely get En route pour Symfony 5. In this article, we will tell you what is Symfony 5, what is En route pour Symfony 5, how to download it in PDF format for free or with a discount, and how to learn from it and apply it to your projects.

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What is Symfony 5 and why you should learn it

Symfony 5 is a high-performance PHP framework and a set of components that help you build web applications faster, easier, and better. Whether you are building a traditional web application, a microservice, a console application, or an API, Symfony 5 has everything you need to make your development experience enjoyable and productive.

Symfony 5 is a high-performance PHP framework and a set of components

Symfony 5 is based on the most popular set of libraries in PHP's history: the Symfony Components. These are reusable and decoupled libraries that provide essential features for any PHP application, such as HTTP handling, routing, security, dependency injection, configuration, templating, testing, debugging, logging, caching, validation, serialization, forms, events, workflow, messenger, notifier, string manipulation, secrets management, and more. You can use these components in any existing PHP application or in combination with other frameworks.

Symfony 5 also provides a full-stack framework that integrates these components into a coherent structure that follows the best practices of web development. The framework gives you a solid foundation to build your applications on top of it, with conventions, configuration options, commands, templates, bundles, services, controllers, entities, repositories, fixtures, migrations, forms, validators, security voters, event listeners, subscribers, dispatchers, handlers, transports, stamps, envelopes, workflows, transitions, guards, actions, notifications, channels, recipients, messages, and more.

Symfony 5 has many new features and improvements over previous versions

Symfony 5 is the latest major version of the framework that was released on November 21st 2019. It continues the revolution started by Symfony 4 to build the best Symfony version ever released. Some of the new features and improvements that Symfony 5 brings are:

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  • A new String component that provides an object-oriented API to work with UTF-8 strings using bytes, code points, and grapheme clusters.

  • A new Notifier component that allows you to create and send all kinds of notifications via SMS , email, chat, push, and more.

  • A new HttpClient component that provides a powerful and flexible HTTP client with PSR-7 and PSR-18 support, HTTP/2, curl, and native transports, middleware, retries, timeouts, streaming, authentication, and more.

  • A new Mailer component that simplifies the creation and sending of emails with MIME, SMTP, and API transports, attachments, HTML and text contents, headers, DKIM, and more.

  • A new Messenger component that enables asynchronous processing of messages using queues, buses, handlers, middleware, stamps, transports, serialization, routing, failure handling, and more.

  • A new Workflow component that allows you to model complex business processes using state machines and workflows with transitions, guards, actions, events, marking stores, and more.

  • A new Secrets component that helps you manage sensitive information in your application using vaults, encryption keys, environment variables, and more.

  • Many improvements in the existing components such as DependencyInjection, Config, Console, Dotenv, FrameworkBundle, Security, Validator, Serializer, Form, TwigBundle, Translation, Profiler, Debug, Cache, WebLink, WebServerBundle, MonologBridge, and more.

Symfony 5 is easy to install, configure, and deploy with Symfony Flex and Symfony CLI

Symfony 5 also makes it easier than ever to install, configure, and deploy your applications with two powerful tools: Symfony Flex and Symfony CLI.

Symfony Flex is a Composer plugin that automates the installation and configuration of Symfony applications and bundles. It allows you to create a new Symfony project with a single command: composer create-project symfony/skeleton my_project. It also lets you add or remove bundles with simple commands such as composer require symfony/security-bundle or composer remove symfony/web-server-bundle. Symfony Flex will automatically download the required packages , configure them, and update the files and directories of your project accordingly.

Symfony CLI is a command-line tool that provides useful features to develop and deploy your Symfony applications. It allows you to run a local web server with HTTPS support, check the security of your dependencies, create and manage SymfonyCloud projects, run commands on remote servers, and more. You can install Symfony CLI with a single command: curl -sS bash. You can then use commands such as symfony server:start, symfony security:check, symfony new --full my_project, symfony deploy, and more.

What is En route pour Symfony 5 and how to get it

En route pour Symfony 5 is a French book


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